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Are You Ready For The Rapture?

Your Price: $36.00
Laugh, mock, and scoff all you want, but if there’s one thing the Bible is clear about, millions of people, specifically Christians, will suddenly disappear from this planet in an immediate flash of events and be raptured straight into heaven itself by the Lord Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, most of our world not only ignores this profound Biblical truth including God’s warning to not be Left Behind, but sadly, even those who profess to be Christians today, act like this event is not real nor that it could happen any time soon. Therefore, this study, Are You Ready for the Rapture, seeks to equip you the Christian and non-Christian alike with the many Biblical Truths concerning this supernatural departure of those who really belong to God. Here you will learn such amazing prophetic truths as:

1. The Importance of the Rapture
2. The Purpose of the Rapture
3. The Reward of the Rapture
4. The Timing of the Rapture
5. The False Objections to the Pre-Trib Rapture
6. The Problems with the Post-Trib Rapture
7. The Problems with the Pre-Wrath Rapture
8. The Problems with the Mid-Trib Rapture
9. The Problems with the Partial Rapture
10. The Response to the Rapture

It’s not enough to just say you believe in the Rapture, the point is, you need to make sure you’re really saved in the first place and will be a part of this imminent supernatural departure. And if you’re truly ready for it, then you won’t be spending what little time we have left living for this wicked world system, rather you will be pleading with as many people as you can to escape God’s soon coming Wrath through Jesus Christ so they too can make sure they Are Ready for the Rapture!

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