2 Book Set - 966 pages
being called a new wave or movement of the Spirit of God. Others would declare
it’s a modern day repeat of the supernatural events that occurred at the
birth of the Church. Others still would have us believe that it’s a special
outpouring of God’s Spirit custom tailored for the Last Days. Of course,
I’m talking about the Charismatic Movement that has swept our nation and
migrated around the world. However, what most people don’t realize, is that
much of what occurs within this so-called movement of God, not only is not
coming from God, but it is littered with a plethora of occult activity, tons
of false teachings, and is also destroying the lives and walks those who get
involved with it. Therefore, this book set, Charismatic Chaos The
Untold History of the Charismatic Movement
seeks to equip you with the eye-opening truths concerning what’s really
going on behind this Charismatic curtain and exposes their true history as
well as the dangerous demonic activity.
Here you will be immersed in their shocking unbiblical beliefs and
practices such as:
Slain in the Spirit
Drunk in the Spirit
Holy Laughter
Angel Feathers
Gold Dust
Speaking in Gibberish
Female Pastors
Losing Your Salvation
Deliverance Ministries
Grave Soaking
you will be immersed in their false teachers such as:
Charles Parham
Jim & Tammy Faye Bakker
Paul & Jan Crouch
Jimmy Swaggart
Oral Roberts
Benny Hinn
Kenneth Copeland
Paula White
The New Apostolic Reformation
Hillsong & Bethel Church Music
Is the
Charismatic Movement really a benefit to the Body of Christ? Are they giving the
non-Christian a true representation of the Gospel? Are their supernatural
experiences really coming from the Holy Spirit of God? Upon examining the
hardcore facts, unfortunately, the answer to all three questions is a resounding
no! In these pages you will discover it is rather a movement in these Last Days
to lead people away from Jesus Christ, His one and only true Gospel, and give a
horrible false representation of the real Church. Don’t delay, get your copy
today of Charismatic Chaos The Untold History of the Charismatic
Movement and share
the truth about this deceptive movement to as many as you can before
it’s too late!