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Islam: Religion of War or Peace Book

Your Price: $15.00
Part Number:BK-WR-IS
E-Book available free for All Access Members
180 Pages
One minute you read a newspaper article sharing the shocking truth of how, once again, so-called radical Muslims have brutally murdered dozens upon dozens of people in one part of the world and in some cases have even resorted to ruthlessly beheading their victims. Yet, the next minute you’re sitting down in the living room after work watching a television news broadcast with the talking head interviewing a self-proclaimed moderate Muslim who repeatedly shares how Islam is such a wonderful peaceful religion? So which is it? Well, this book, Islam Religion of War or Peace? cuts through all the bogus chatter and media lies and simply gets to the authentic truth exposing the real heart, beliefs, and behavior of true followers of Islam. Here you will discover such shocking revelations as: The History of Islam, The Beliefs of Islam, The Six Pillars of Islam, Islam Conquering Through Immigration, Islam Conquering Through Islamization, How to Witness to a Muslim, and Is Barack Hussein Obama a Muslim?

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