Amazingly Informative
We are roughly 3/4 of the way through this series and I have to say, we have most of Pastor Billy's other DVD sets but this one is probably the most eye-opening and sobering because it's so current and up-to-date. I want to use the word 'frightening' (after all, what did we expect the 'end times' to look like...), but we all know how it will end, and our God reigns and He is ultimately in control of all of it! This set gives a rundown on Schwab, his disturbing background, and how Biden (and friends) all fit into this terrible scenario of setting up a New World Order and just how long this has all been going on -which is surprising- as well as where they are in the scheme of things. One thing that shows you just how close we are to the Rapture, is the fact that this DVD set has just come out and already, things are moving past even this newest information. Unbelievable. Things are picking up such speed, time is short, there isn't much time left to tell everyone we know about the gospel and what is actually happening on the world scene, and to let them know that God has given us eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ, and to 'look up, for our redemption draws near', and we don't have to be here for what, and who is coming on the world. I would totally recommend this set for yourself, and everyone you know!
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Reviewed by: Mary from COOS BAY.
on 8/27/2024