417 Page Book
Complete DVD Set (39 Studies on 18 DVD's)
Study Guide
The Body of Christ has fallen under a horrible epidemic where
believers in God no longer believe in God! Believe it or not, we now
have Churches full of people who are living like practical atheists. Oh,
we say we believe in God, but most of the time we act like He’s not
there with our lips as well as our lives. This is not only detrimental
in our walk with God; it keeps others from believing in God. Therefore,
to avoid this irony, this study, The Character of God seeks
to equip you with an intimate knowledge of God from the Word of God, the
Bible. In it you will journey through an in-depth and fun study on The
Character of God. The good news is that we really can have a personal
intimate relationship with the Creator of the universe. But if the world
is ever going to believe our message, then you and I must stop acting
like practical atheists and start demonstrating with our lips as well as
our lives.