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The Rapture Don't Be Deceived Package

Your Price: $65.00
The Rapture - Don't Be Deceived
Includes the DVD Set, Book & Study Guide
If there’s one thing you don’t want to be deceived about in life, it’s the Biblical truth concerning the Rapture. The Bible says that for those who are left behind after this next great event on God’s end time prophetic calendar, they will be thrust into the 7-year Tribulation, which is not a party. Rather, it’s an outpouring of God’s wrath upon this wicked and rebellious planet which will soon turn into mankind’s greatest nightmare! Unfortunately, there seems to be a multitude of opinions out there concerning the purpose and timing of the Rapture which is starting to cause a lot of unnecessary confusion and division. Therefore, The Rapture: Don’t Be Deceived takes a detective’s approach toward the Biblical teaching of the Rapture and examines the many Scriptural facts surrounding it. You will discover such amazing clues as:
1. The Importance of the Rapture
2. The Purpose of the Rapture
3. The Timing of the Rapture
4. The Objections of the Rapture
5. The Positions of the Rapture
6. The Proper Attitude of the Rapture
The Rapture: Don’t Be Deceived is not only designed to equip and encourage you in the truth concerning the purpose and proof of the Biblical Rapture, but to also motivate you in sharing the wonderful truth that people don’t have to be left behind at the Rapture. God has provided a way out of this horrible time frame through Jesus Christ and has been warning us about this sudden shocking event for the last 2,000 years!
It’s near and we need to get ready for it! The Rapture: Don’t Be Deceived!
5 Stars
Raised as a Seventh Day Adventist, we were actually tortured with the Post Tribulation propaganda. It is such a wonderful blessing that Pastor Billy Crone gives so many proofs that the Holy Trinity would not pour out wrath on the Bride (Christian Church) for 7 years and then expect a celebratory wedding feast. Also the fact that grooms are exempt from military service for one year after the wedding points out that Jesus would not return for his bride and then immediately commence armageddon. Even SDA's understand that Jesus is Jewish. Get this DVD package and the workbook, especially if you do not understand the rapture takes place before the 7 year tribulation. Hopefully I can learn this information well enough to convince some of my SDA friends and loved ones that Jesus raptures us out prior to the 7 year tribulation. Knowing this, means we can focus on teaching others instead of wondering how in the world we will get buy without being able to buy or sell. Thank YOU pastor Billy Crone!!!!!
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Reviewed by:  from Texas. on 8/6/2019
5 Stars
The rapture
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Reviewed by:  from Eagle Pass Tx. on 1/2/2018

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