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World Religions, Cults & The Occult - Volume 3 - Islam

Your Price: $17.50
Part Number:WR-3

8 Studies on 4 DVD's

The Hidden History and Behavior of Muhammad
The Untold Practices and Beliefs of Modern Day Muslims
The Dangerous Global Islamic Invasion
The Islamization of American Courts, Schools & Media
The Lie of Chrislam in the Church
How Best to Witness to a Muslim
Is Barack Hussein Obama a Muslim?


5 Stars
Very in-depth study of Islam and the religion of death
Pastor Billy goes deep into the cult of Islam. Once you are finished watching you will see why it is not the religion of peace. Jesus warned us almost 600 years before Islam was created. There is one way to the father and thats thru Jesus.
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Reviewed by:  from Alabama. on 10/16/2016

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